Monday, February 21, 2011

Pretty Exciting Day!

So today was HUGELY productive for me as far as my job hunt goes. If you remember correctly, I had to call Potomac Valley Vet today to talk to the doctor who has an availability for me, AND I had an interview at VCA Veterinary Clinic. Here are the summaries of both:

Interview: WENT GREAT! No job offer was made, because there are no current openings, but he did tell me that he was very impressed with my interview and that he will let me know as soon as something opens. He gave me a tour of the facility and introduced me to the staff, and it just seemed like a really friendly place. I'm definitely happy with the interview, and I'm hopeful that an opportunity will arise!

Phone Call: I called this morning, and the doctor was in an appointment, so I was told that he would call me back. Well, on my walk over to the interview, I got the call...and he offered me the job! He just asked what hours I can work and told me to stop by tomorrow. I was almost speechless! So now I have to figure out how to get there tomorrow to meet him and hopefully everything works out. I'm hoping he's okay with the hours I can work and that it's not too good to be true.

I'M VERY EXCITED THAT I GOT A POTENTIAL JOB! I will update after I stop by the vet tomorrow!

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